Duncan Kerr Electrical are EcoSmart accredited and trained in all the latest energy efficient solutions.
What is the EcoSmart Electricians Program?
This innovative program comprises a national training and accreditation program for electricians in the rapidly growing market of energy efficiency.
What does the program offer?
The program is specifically designed to provide a broad understanding of the concepts of energy efficiency utilizing modern technology and products.
Once training is complete each participating electrician is provided with a nationally recognized certification.
An accreditation system for contractors recognizes the contractor and enables them to promote their knowledge and training as a unique selling point to their customers - Promoting their business as EcoSmart Electricians
So what's covered in the training?
- Energy management
- Lighting
- Pumps, fans and motors
- Solar generation systems, Heating and Cooling
The EcoSmart Electricians training program, developed and implemented by NECA, runs in all states of Australia through the NECA State Chapters.